Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Spotlight Artist (June 29th, 2016) ZEN ROBBI

Chosen with a loving heart, I give you this week's Spotlight Artist:

Zen Robbi

From Los Angeles, CA emerges the nastiest power trio rock and roll has seen since the dawn of the millennium. For nearly 8 years now, the titanic trio have been terrorizing audiences across America with their rambunctious funk and ridiculous good looks. Led by the notorious pirate Captain Mic Dangerously, Scott Wittenberg and Timmy "Too Tall" Baker are the back bone to a beast of a band that is on the road to musical superstardom. Fusing rock, soul, swing, jazz and funk these boys can play, and they mean business.

From Los Angeles, CA emerges the nastiest power trio rock and roll has seen sin...ce the dawn of the millennium. For nearly 8 years now, the titanic trio have been terrorizing audiences across America with their rambunctious funk and ridiculous good looks. Led by the notorious pirate Captain Mic Dangerously, Scott Wittenberg and Timmy "Too Tall" Baker are the back bone to a beast of a band that is on the road to musical superstardom. Fusing rock, soul, swing, jazz and funk these boys can play, and they mean business.

Go ahead and give them a like an a listen.  Next time they play, be sure to go out and support their show!

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